Wednesday, December 11, 2013

When God Ran...

Luke 15:20    
“So he got up and went to his Father. But while he was still a long way off, his Father saw him and was filled with compassion for him, He ran to His son, threw His arms around him and kissed him.”        

The story of the prodigal son is really a classic to many Christians (as I believe). Here, I could picture a very loving father who accepted his son in spite and despite of his son’s mistake and abandonment not just of his family but maybe even abandonment of  his responsibilities. I will never forget the drama. The scene will always stay not just in my mind but even in my heart: A father who waited for his son, believing that he will come back; a son, who felt guilty and sorry, the willingness to come back. There’s the excitement, the longings of their hearts. But the best thing that touched me is when the father had compassion, hugged and kissed his son with out even asking, “What have you done?” or “Why did you come back?”
In my Christian life, I had never thought I would be like of the prodigal son. Before, I thought I am the older brother, who has been always obedient to my Father in heaven. But my story didn't finish that way. There came a time I chose to disobey God. I rebelled against Him and ran away from Him. I thought that this world can give me the satisfaction I’m looking for. I was drawn to sin. I thought doing what I want to do will make me happy, but why am I crying? The people who I chose to be with were the people who left me and judged me.
But how can God, after I disobeyed Him, after I disowned Him, forgive me and accept me with out any condemnation? How can He embrace me again? How can He love me with out remembering my sins? Tears, just tears…no words expressed my gratitude to my Father.

It is true that when we are forgiven much, we learn to love much. I am thankful that the Lord allowed me to be the prodigal son. I have learned the true meaning of His grace: I am not worthy, yet He loved me and accepted me.

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