Wednesday, December 11, 2013

When God Ran...

Luke 15:20    
“So he got up and went to his Father. But while he was still a long way off, his Father saw him and was filled with compassion for him, He ran to His son, threw His arms around him and kissed him.”        

The story of the prodigal son is really a classic to many Christians (as I believe). Here, I could picture a very loving father who accepted his son in spite and despite of his son’s mistake and abandonment not just of his family but maybe even abandonment of  his responsibilities. I will never forget the drama. The scene will always stay not just in my mind but even in my heart: A father who waited for his son, believing that he will come back; a son, who felt guilty and sorry, the willingness to come back. There’s the excitement, the longings of their hearts. But the best thing that touched me is when the father had compassion, hugged and kissed his son with out even asking, “What have you done?” or “Why did you come back?”
In my Christian life, I had never thought I would be like of the prodigal son. Before, I thought I am the older brother, who has been always obedient to my Father in heaven. But my story didn't finish that way. There came a time I chose to disobey God. I rebelled against Him and ran away from Him. I thought that this world can give me the satisfaction I’m looking for. I was drawn to sin. I thought doing what I want to do will make me happy, but why am I crying? The people who I chose to be with were the people who left me and judged me.
But how can God, after I disobeyed Him, after I disowned Him, forgive me and accept me with out any condemnation? How can He embrace me again? How can He love me with out remembering my sins? Tears, just tears…no words expressed my gratitude to my Father.

It is true that when we are forgiven much, we learn to love much. I am thankful that the Lord allowed me to be the prodigal son. I have learned the true meaning of His grace: I am not worthy, yet He loved me and accepted me.

Saturday, December 7, 2013


While listening to my professor about adult learning and teaching, I reflected about my experience as teacher.

It has been just 3 weeks that we started our Young Professional Bible study.  Because I am one of those who initiated it, I volunteered to become the facilitator for the first few weeks. At first, it was quite exciting. We really want to organize young adults. We believe that they have the potential to lead our church in the future.

But lately, I realized that it is so hard to teach young adults. I could say now that it’s easier to teach young people/youth.

In those three weeks, here are things I heard from some of them:

1.       “Ate, kaya mo na yan.” I heard this from one of them who wants me to discuss the whole lesson to them rather than asking them questions. She is in hurry to go home.

2.       “Nyek ate ang corni naman, hindi na kami bata”. They didn’t really take the role play seriously. I just wanted to be somehow creative, asking them what they remember about the story of Zacchaeus, but I as I saw it, they were not interested.

3.       “Naku si ate sha ang leader, baka mahaba na naman yan.” Hayssss… Maybe for me 1 hour is not that long, but for them I guess it is. Almost all of them are from work. I know they are tired. But we didn’t really have other nigh/time to do the Bible study.

Wah!!! I do not want to get weary. I really like what I’m doing but I know I have to do it right. Though I know that they are somehow joking (we are really close to each other), I also feel that they have a point.

I do hope that I’m gonna learn more. I believe I really need some help on this. *sigh*

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Another Exciting Class

Last November 23 was our first day in our Creative Teaching Methods class. Honestly, I am really excited about this course. I have learned a lot from Rev. Son with my last course with him as our professor, and I believe this is going to be a challenging, yet enjoyable one again.

On that day, I am blessed to meet my classmates. The atmosphere in our class was indeed friendly. It is so happy to meet Pastors and Educators where I'm going to learn new things. I even appreciate our differences; in our age and in the kind of ministries we are involved.

Upon discussing our Course syllabus, I'm a little bit overwhelmed with all the things we have to do. But our professor challenged and motivated us, especially about the art and habit of reading. OH! and this is really one of the things I'm not really good at. Though I am really trying my best, because, just like our professor said, I am in a graduate school, I should really learn to do it. And I believe, there are a lot to get from books, good books :)

We started our first discussion about the Roles of a teacher. I was reminded of how God called me to be one, and that I have may different roles to fulfill as an educator (and then suddenly I miss my high school students *sigh*) It's not really just about teaching, but it is also more of establishing good relationships.

Then we also talked about the differences of youth and adult learners. For me, this is very useful because 4 months ago, I started handling the youth Bible study, and then for a month, the young professionals too. Knowing these, I am now more conscious of how I should prepare my lessons for these two groups.

I am grateful to be enrolled to this class. :) (though it's a Saturday class, hahaha)